Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Healthy Eating

Well, it took me 5 years but I finally lost  the weight. I lost 20lbs. I love it. I love going clothes shopping and beong able to fit into smaller sizes. I know you must be wondering - How did you lose all that weight??? - The only thing that I did was change my eating habits.

I eat about 5 times a day. I never let myself get hungry... Then again, I never let myself get full either. It can be tricky sometimes to figure out how to do that, but give it time to figure it out.

Then, STOP eating fast food and microwave dinners, donuts and fried foods, yuck! I have eaten fast food maybe twice in the past three years and it has paid off. Now, I can't stand the way fast food makes me feel after eating it.

Last thing, I know it is a little expensive but you should try eaating organic foods as much as possible. I do most of my gracery shopping in the natural foods section of grocery stores.

Check out this fabulous cookbook CLICK HERE!

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